Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Puma. Just do it!

Plans cannot withstand the enemy as I have heard it said. I thought I had it all worked out. An older, established man that thought I hung the moon was what I was looking for. Instead it seems soon I may be holding an official puma card. I am too young to be a cougar and Baby Face is only 5 years younger so lets go with Puma. Look I am already making excuses - old habits die hard right?

So it all started off as friendly flirting, until yesterday. After a heart pumping workout session with Baby Face - yes he's my personal trainer- I received this text "Going to have to play a lot of basketball to get rid of all this sexual tension" I have to admit I was surprised and flattered all at the same time. I responded in kind and here I am back in the saddle except this time I am on a pony.

So he is younger but he seems like he has it mostly together. He has property, he is witty, he is active and he isn't afraid of a single mom. Sure he comes with a few small problems but I am sure those will work themselves out on his own.

In the wild the Puma would probably have already pounced but I am a little nervous - I have never dated anyone younger.... but it may just be one time around the carousel.

1 comment:

  1. Well, we're just going to see how this one plays out. I am really looking forward to it. :) Better than that one with 19 kids.
