Thursday, December 10, 2009

One Month Stand

From urban dictionary "when you see someone for a couple of weeks or months, and when it turns out that the person is really into you, you realize you have absolutely no feelings for her/him... involves terrible moral hangover and everybody thinking you as an idiot."

Well, my dad recently said to my mom that I have a string of one month stands.... In true mother like fashion she looked at me as she said this waiting for my reaction.

I laughed. I couldn't help but laugh. It was so true. Since my separation I couldn't hold down a relationship for more than a few months. Some were decisions on my end and others I had no control over.

No matter how many times it didn't work out I saw the end way before it actually took place. When Summer Breeze broke my heart I knew it wasn't right -- there was something gone, something missing... But the ego gets involved. He didn't like me, he didn't choose me... hello? Long before that decision was made questions were raised and there was already the knowledge that the relationship was doomed.

We have heard the saying life is too short... and I agree life is too short. Life is too short not to risk falling in love or giving something your all. But life is too long to live unhappy and accept the unacceptable.

So maybe that is what happens in the one month stand someone realizes that there partner is just a place holder and the need to move on is evident and why waste any more time? Or is that we have become a culture that is so used to getting everything they want that the idea of having to work at something is just too much to handle?

A pearl is formed when a potentially threatening irritant or parasite moves into the shell of a mollusk and it builds this seal, pearl, over time. A natural pearl is a very rare gem. Maybe every place holder is there to shape us into our own natural pearl. So each oyster tells its own journey through the pearl, my hope is that my place holders are the pearl to my prince charming.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Sweetheat, I love you so much. You are the most beautiful of pearls. And you are right, life is to short to live unhappily or complacently. I am so glad to read this today.
